Title: A serious suggestion ~ Post by: Voltage on February 23, 2009, 06:51:07 am We close down the Flame section of the board.
Title: Re: A serious suggestion ~ Post by: caskur™ on February 23, 2009, 06:52:11 am We close down the Flame section of the board. Why? Title: Re: A serious suggestion ~ Post by: Voltage on February 23, 2009, 07:01:59 am The flame board is weak, Caskur.
I feel that you and I have very different ieas as to what constitutes flame, and how to run a flamboard. Flamedamnation as a flame site is, in my opinion, [having posted on all the major flame sites for nearly seven years,] pathetic, and unless things change dramatically I will no longer be posting on the flame board here. I have already removed the Omnia nic from the board . . . the next step will be to withdraw all the alts that I have created here. Without the flame board the topical forums may get more hits and be of more interest. I suggest we put up a poll on the flame board and see the reaction of the posters. We as Admin will not vote. Title: Re: A serious suggestion ~ Post by: caskur™ on February 23, 2009, 07:06:41 am No Omnia,
I like things the way they are. You of course can go and post where you like. Title: Re: A serious suggestion ~ Post by: Voltage on February 23, 2009, 07:07:42 am Fine.
I wish you all the best ~ Take care. Title: Re: A serious suggestion ~ Post by: caskur™ on February 23, 2009, 07:11:46 am bye-bye.
take care also. Title: Re: A serious suggestion ~ Post by: caskur™ on August 06, 2009, 10:39:44 am bump
Title: Re: A serious suggestion ~ Post by: caskur™ on August 06, 2009, 12:33:19 pm Daz is reposting this thread over on his caskur tribute board....
he thinks she left because of me.... what he doesn't get is, she left because of the msn people joining and not delivering....they were "too nice" and wasn't what she was looking for.... Damion Dumstruck is totally retarded and in complete denial......Omnia was taken off the modship over at TDT ......because she gave me her password and that is how I got into the mod forums.....she played dumb and got Nele to reinstate her as a mod of the Opium Den only and she is no longer able to see the reg rooms....no one has posted on that forum for a good 10 months or so...until "I'm Back" posted two weeks ago.... She was modded to the Opium Den years before I even got there... Damion likes to sprout **** making out he knows what goes on behind the scenes, but he only knows what I chose to feed him... Title: Re: A serious suggestion ~ Post by: MightySting on August 06, 2009, 02:59:12 pm Cathy I wouldn't worry about it, Daz cares way to much about posts and traffic, If you have fun then leave it and continue, and if you get tired of it then give it up.
Daz's opinion means nothing to anyone but him and a few people that hide at his board Title: Re: A serious suggestion ~ Post by: icy on August 06, 2009, 03:40:13 pm ...says the internet idiot of all time.
Title: Re: A serious suggestion ~ Post by: BADFUCKINAzzi on August 06, 2009, 08:34:54 pm The flame board is weak, Caskur. I feel that you and I have very different ieas as to what constitutes flame, and how to run a flamboard. Flamedamnation as a flame site is, in my opinion, [having posted on all the major flame sites for nearly seven years,] pathetic, and unless things change dramatically I will no longer be posting on the flame board here. I have already removed the Omnia nic from the board . . . the next step will be to withdraw all the alts that I have created here. Without the flame board the topical forums may get more hits and be of more interest. I suggest we put up a poll on the flame board and see the reaction of the posters. We as Admin will not vote. AS IF SOMEONE COERCED THIS LAME TO EVEN LOOK IN HERE OH FOR CHRISTS SAKES WITHDRAWL YOUR ALTS OBVIOUSLY YOU ARENT MAN ENOUGH TO STAND UNDER ONE GOD DAMNED NAME YA PUNK **** HOW ABOUT I HIT YOU, RIGHT IN YOUR PUSSIFIED THROAT SO YOU CAN'T SCREAM FOR HELP ANYMORE YA CRYBABY **** Title: Re: A serious suggestion ~ Post by: EP on August 07, 2009, 12:00:31 am I'm glad you're shutting down the flamers board.
Yes, MSNers were too nice >:D Title: Re: A serious suggestion ~ Post by: caskur™ on August 07, 2009, 12:13:44 am Read the date on the first post you dopey bastards....it is from last February....the day M$N shut down....
Title: Re: A serious suggestion ~ Post by: MightySting on August 07, 2009, 12:19:11 am Tori its from when Omina decided to leave her own board
Title: Re: A serious suggestion ~ Post by: caskur™ on August 07, 2009, 12:44:37 am It just goes to show Sting....they never read the board properly....
Title: Re: A serious suggestion ~ Post by: MightySting on August 07, 2009, 12:49:01 am They also forget that Omnia wanted to do this board, and you just kept it going after she left
Title: Re: A serious suggestion ~ Post by: caskur™ on August 07, 2009, 01:42:23 am They also forget that Omnia wanted to do this board, and you just kept it going after she left That is right... I got msn posters to join and Damion and Omnia didn't write to them.... When some of flame town came here like BraIn, ladr, poofer, and some others she still didn't write to them....in fact, both she and Damion scared them off....Damion scared cass off just recently with one stupid comment.. It is all water under the bridge now... they're all in exile and I am still standing... We'll see if Baddie is any better..... |