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Posted on: April 07, 2009, 03:03:50 pm
Posted by: caskur™
OK, I'll quickly post links to it....


We propose the term Profactor-H for chronic elevated circulating insulin. Profactor-H is common in atherosclerosis, essential hypertension, non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, some forms of obesity, some forms of cancer, cardiovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease and some forms of stroke. Profactor-H appears to be the central pathophysiologic consideration in the etiology of many diseases and health risk factors. Profactor-H's impact depends on genetic predisposition, frequency consumption of refined simple and complex carbohydrates, deficiency in dietary chromium, sedentary life style and stresses of modern day living. In many obese individuals, Profactor-H disturbs metabolic balance, favoring anabolic metabolism, and is exacerbated through chronic insulin production and impairment of insulin action. This vicious cycle also appears to be common in many apparently healthy, non-obese individuals destined to develop health risks and diseases in response to long-term adverse consequences of Profactor-H. We believe that a four-pronged program which 1) reduces the daily frequency of carbohydrate consumption, particularly refined foods and simple sugars, 2) supplements the daily dietary intake of chromium, 3) encourages activity, and 4) reduces stress, will minimize the impact of Profactor-H and thereby reduce health risks and result in improved health.

Posted on: April 07, 2009, 03:00:28 pm
Posted by: caskur™
I am pretty sure that women's body fat is supposed to be as high as 17% and men's 12%. I know this because my husband is a qualified body builder instructor.

When people take up body building, the women try to reduce their body fat to 12% [men's body fat rates] and the men down to about 6% but that is for competitions only....they call it "cutting" They do this so they can show off as much muscle as possible but they cannot sustain such low body fat rates and don't keep those low rates all year round.

There are people with naturaly very low body fat rates but I am not talking about them...I am not talking about exceptions to rules.

Women who do not have body fat die early...body fat gives curves as you all know and in actual fact, slightly over weight is the healthiest condition of all regardless of whatever fad they're bleating on about on TV....

To me, I like seeing women covered....the nicest bodies on women I have seen are the athletes and they have the good genetics without too much effort....I remember a woman at Badminton years ago who was tall and athletic and covered and had a genetic body anyone would die for.

Obesity is caused probably by the pro-facture H gene. Apparently according to a medical book I once had someone read out to me that, people WILL become hypoglycemic, and will put on weight and will develop adult onset diabetes....100% of black Americans have the pro-facture H gene or carry it and 1/3 of Europeans.....and yes, keeping your weight in normal range and exercising does stop it advancing but it doesn't "cure it" or cause it from being overweight.
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