I hate the way you cross dress
I hate that you are a sorry mess
I hate your blood shot miserable eyes
I hate the way you bloody well lie.
I hate it when you s h i t talk
I hate the way you cripple walk
I hate your easy sleazy smile
I hate your crappy crap flame style.
I hate your hairy muscle-less arms
I hate your leery perverted charms
I hate your big fat face
I hate your idiotic Brawl Hall place.
I hate your creepy crawling hands
I hate your fetid unfeeling fans
I hate the way you don’t think
I hate it when you drink and stink.
I hate when you call me out
I hate it all, especially shout
I hate it that you are so new
I hate you when you dress in blue.
I hate you when you constantly sleep
I hate you when you’re very deep
I hate the way you are so shallow
I hate it that your spine is yellow
I hate it that you are a bore
I hate the way you make me snore
I hate to be like this.
You shoulda given me a big miss.